News and Announcements

Congratulations to all the teams on a very successful VILFHA season!


Div 3: Ravens (2) def. Pirates (1)
Div 2: Blue Jays (2) def. Lynx 2 (1)
Div 1: Mariners (3) def. Lynx 1 (2)


Div 3: Demons
Div 2: Sailors
Div 1: Lynx 1

Congratulations and hopefully you can attend the VILFHA AGM on April 8th when we will give out all the individual awards, team trophies and season all-star awards.

Attention all VILFHA Members,

The Annual General Meeting of the Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association will be held April the 8th at UVic, McKinnon Gym room 150 @ 7 pm.

The motions attached are a result of an extensive review of both the Constitution and Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. The main purpose was to update the documents to reflect current practices in many areas, e.g. registration with FHBC; to modernize certain practices, e.g. communication options; and to provide clarity in areas where confusion or misunderstandings have consistently occurred, e.g. minimum age or players or player movement from team to team.

Motion 1
Be it so moved that the proposed amendments to the Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association Constitution and Bylaws contained within the attached document “VILFHA Constitution March 16, 2013” be adopted.

Moved: Sandy Grimwood
Seconded: Theresa Kennedy

Motion 2
Be it so moved that the proposed amendments to the Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association Rules and Regulations contained within the attached document “VILFHA Rules and Regulations March 16, 2013” be adopted.

Moved: Sandy Grimwood
Seconded: Theresa Kennedy

The membership will be asked to consider these two motions in two block or omnibus motions – first the Constitution and then the Regs. In each document, the proposed amendments are highlighted in yellow – the motion is placed immediately below the clause it proposes to amend, includes the proposed change and a rationale for the change.

In using an omnibus motion, the purpose is to consider the motions in their entirety as they pertain to the document. However, that does not preclude the opportunity for the members to ‘extract’ any motion for discussion/questions/further amendments/etc. If a member wishes to have a specific motion extracted, that motion will be subject to it’s own vote. Those motions that are ‘left’ will be considered as a block and the vote will occur once we reach the end of the document.

We have chosen the omnibus method because there are many amendments and a lot of repetition of content in the amendments. So instead of going clause by clause and addressing the same changes over and over, we will – hopefully – move through it more quickly.

We are sending this notice 3 weeks in advance of the meeting – ahead of our requirements – so that members have an opportunity to review and digest the proposed changes, as well as ask any questions about the process of handling omnibus motions.

Please feel free to ask questions to Denise McGeachy ( about the process or the rationale or whatever you like.

Lastly, if there is anyone interested in being involved in the VILFHA Executive for the coming season, please contact Sandy Grimwood (

See you on the 8th of April.

Denise McGeachy
Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association

Congratulations to those teams that have made the finals and for those who qualified for the semifinals. Next week is our last weekend of ladies league!! So here are a few reminders and notes:

FINAL GAME TIMES – Saturday March 23 at UVIC TURF
10:00 am: Division 3 Final: Ravens vs. Pirates
12:00 pm: Division 2 Final: Lynx 2 vs. Blue Jays
2:00 pm: Division 1 Final: Lynx 1 vs. Mariners

Nominate online before Friday, March 22 at:

We still need more coaches for the junior league! Please recommend two to three people at least from your teams to get involved. E-mail Kolette Cristante to coach girls ( and Clive Wheatley for boys (

Victoria sessions run March 25/28 (6:30-9:30pm at UVic) and Duncan sessions are April 8/15 (6:30-9:30pm at Cowichan Secondary School). Register online at:

Thanks and good luck to everyone in the finals!!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Ali Lee
Communications Director, VILFHA
c. 250-686-5000

On behalf of Executive, I am pleased to congratulate Margo Ross on the incredible achievement of receiving a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Medal. This prestigious award honours significant achievements by Canadians who have dedicated themselves to serving their community, their country and their fellow Canadians and was created to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee as the Queen of Canada. Margo is recognised for her service and significant contributions as a Public Servant as well as her exceptional individual achievements to positively influence the community.

Throughout her career, Margo has made significant contributions to the BC Treaty negotiation process and has played a lead role in fiscal negotiations at various treaty tables. Other career highlights include her contributions to the Strategic Investment Plan with the Ministry of Advanced Education, and most recently her work redesigning the Sport Sector where she has built tremendous data and analysis capacity. It is no surprise that Margo has been responsible for leading three key projects nominated for Premier’s Awards in the past few years.

Margo’s contributions are certainly not limited to her role in the BC Public Service. Margo recently took a 7 month sabbatical to volunteer for Edzimkulu – a Society for Children with Aids. In this work Margo played an integral role in the development of an accountability model that led to the Department of Health agreeing to take on the permanent operation of this rural and remote clinic – the first of its kind in South Africa.

Margo’s commitment to building a positive community is also evidenced in her long standing volunteer commitment with the Victoria Women’s Transition House, where she has served on the Board as well as the countless hours she has dedicated to sports through coaching, managing and providing administration.

It is my privilege to thank you Margo for your ongoing dedication and the service you provide. Please join me in congratulating Margo on her Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award.

Margo was an important member of Rebels, VILFHA and FHV for many, many years.

Come one, come all!

Another year is coming to a close and time for VILFHA’s season-end social. Langford Lanes is booked for March 10th, 1-3pm. Book your team, and any further inquiries, with Arlene at Cost will be $20 each, plus $4 shoe rental.

Food and beverage service will be available. See you there!